Tuesday, November 11, 2008

T minus 44 Hours* and Counting...

Everyone has had their own Pre-Wrath To-Do List, whether it was on paper or just in their head. I've spent this weekend ticking off quite a few things I had on mind. Here's what I managed to accomplish:
  1. Put in and was approved for my first personal day ever for Nov. 14th. I put in for it the day they announced release date. I know this will put me about 16 hours behind most people, but I can't leave my kids with a sub two days in a row. 
  2. Planned a menu for the weekend with Yakra. He has Tuesday off for Veteran's Day, so he will cook then and we can freeze and re-heat.
  3. Emptied out my bank. I blew up crap tons of gear. I got over 30 void crystals from gear that had little sentimental value, no sexy value, and less raid value since 3.0.2 spell power. I can't remember the last time I had this much bag space! And no... I did not get rid of my Fruitcake collection or my Light of Elune. 
  4. Lesson planned up to Dec. 11th. That means I don't need to worry about more lesson planning and worksheet/quiz/powerpoint making until like... Thanksgiving weekend. 
  5. Turned down plans for this weekend and next weekend that various friends and family tried to rope me into. I've have lied to people in general saying Yakra and I are taking a vacation. I have also told my mother I'm going to be busy and to not take it personally if I don't pick up the phone. 
  6. Invited some of my WoW friends to an open house type thing. Meaning Yakra and I will be playing and playing until we drop and will have lots of snacks, easy to reheat food, and caffeine. 
  7. Got my nails done and had them painted WotLK blue. 
  8. Earned the Outland Dungeon Hero achievement. (Even though I had done them all before.)
  9. Earned the Explore Outland achievement by uncovering one little strip of land in Hellfire. 
  10. Saw Kil'jaden, pulled him, and got him well into Phase 3 multiple times (with only 2 hours or so of attempts.) Yes, the plan was to kill him, but I feel this overwhelming sense of completion just seeing him. 
  11. Earned Loremaster of Outland. Those last three quests in Nagrand for Nagrand Slam were a challenge to find! I'm really enjoying achievements more than I thought I would!
  12. Wrote obligatory "Pre-Wrath To-Do List". Enough said!
*I will not be going to a midnight release, nor did I take Thursday off, so it will be about 4pm on Thursday before I am actually able to play. 

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About Amy

I've been playing WoW since Easter Sunday 2005, coincidentally the same day I became engaged to my forever husband and tank Chad, aka Yakra. I have held the roles of druid class officer, healing role officer, and general secretarial type officer in two guilds. Currently, I am not playing WoW. When I'm playing, my blog, like my life, is casualcore PvE healing focused. (I love gear math!) When I'm not playing WoW... well, I can't quite tell you what this blog will be about since I have never blogged while not playing WoW! Expect to see reflections on being a married WoW player and on just being married, stories from my other RP adventures (LARPing and table top), and accounts of my life's most meaningful activity: teaching chemistry.

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